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Public Accounts connect you to the brands, businesses and public figures that you care about

About Summit Leasing Slovenija

Summit Leasing je podjetje, specializirano za financiranje vseh vrst vozil (osebnih, komercialnih in tovornih), plovil, opreme ter za potrošniško kreditiranje v Sloveniji. Ponujamo celovite finančne rešitve ter z zanesljivim upravljanjem skrbimo za uresničitev načrtov in želja naših partnerjev ter strank. S celovitim poznavanjem finančnih in zavarovalniških produktov na slovenskem trgu vam ponujamo v vsakem trenutku najprimernejšo rešitev, prilagojeno vašim zmožnostim in željam.

Viber is a free messaging and calling app

What is Viber?

Viber is a free messaging and calling app that allows people to connect with friends and family - no matter who they are or where they are from. With Viber you can:

  • Express yourself with thousands of unique stickers and GIFs
  • Gain quick access to the best videos, music and online services directly inside your chats
  • Use Public Accounts to be closer to the brands, businesses and public figures that you care about
  • Connect securely - all communications on Viber are protected by end-to-end encryption

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